
‘Yes Weekend!卡巴拉斯县的旅程让孩子们成为节目的明星

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If you haven’t heard of Yes Day, ask the nearest kid. Yes Day是孩子们制定规则的日子,是最古怪的想法成为最佳计划的日子.

May 23, 2022

If you haven’t heard of Yes Day, ask the nearest kid. Yes Day是孩子们制定规则的日子,是最古怪的想法成为最佳计划的日子.

But what if one Yes Day isn’t enough? 连续四天的“Yes Days”怎么样?如果这四天的“Yes Weekend”对成年人来说也很有趣呢?

Yes, it’s possible! 我们制定了一个为期四天的“是的周末”的行程,全部在卡巴拉斯县. 开始这个愚蠢的冒险,发现糖果是完美的早餐, sharks are meant to be seen up-close, 水上滑梯全年开放,在棒球赛上吃热狗味道更好.

皇冠hg0088正网网址有很多适合孩子的景点等着你的家人. After your four-day Yes Weekend, 你会有足够的照片填满整个相册,也会有一辈子的新回忆.

Ready? (Yes!)

Family Fun
Eat & Drink
Outdoor Adventures
Tours & Experiences


Afternoon: Pan for Gold

Feeling lucky? 开始你的家庭的“是的周末”,测试你的运气,同时淘金在 Reed Gold Mine. In 1799, 一个12岁的男孩在这个地方发现了一块17磅重的金块(这是美国第一个有记载的黄金发现)!). 即使你的孩子在淘金时没有那么幸运, 他们一定会带着探索地下矿井隧道的永恒记忆离开. 还有一个现场礼品店,确保每个人都能带着自己的宝贝离开.

Reed Gold Mine
Evening: Family Dinner & Dessert

Go out for a big barbecue dinner at Mt. Pleasant Smokehouse. This family-friendly restaurant has barbecue, ribs, 鸡肉和牛腩——还有我们熟悉的最爱,比如汉堡和热狗. 儿童菜单提供经典菜品,如玉米热狗和烤奶酪. 享受你的盛宴,不要担心洗碗——毕竟, it’s a Yes Weekend for grown-ups, too.

Stop at The Bakery at Mount Pleasant next door for dessert! A tasty way to end your day, 它坐落在市中心一栋建于1912年的美丽建筑里, 它的面包盒会让每个人都微笑. (专业建议:准备饼干作为周五下午的零食.)


Morning: Hit the Trails

Let the kids decide what vehicle to take — bike, scooter, skateboard, feet — and hit the trails for an adventure. Go mountain biking at Brown Mill 就在康科德市中心更有趣的地方,或者参观 Frank Liske Park in Concord. On weekends between April and October, 你可以在这里租一艘划桨船,把你的陆上游览变成湖上的水上冒险.

Afternoon: Catch a Movie

在经历了一个充实而活跃的早晨之后,是时候去看场电影,吃点爆米花了. Not only does the Gem Theatre have the best popcorn around, 但这家历史悠久的单屏幕剧院提供价格实惠的门票和优惠. Adult tickets are $5, and candy is just $1.

在卡纳波利斯市中心,为家庭欢乐之夜做好准备. Visit James Sweet Spot 去买你在家度过一个低调的家庭之夜所需要的东西. The store, 交通便利,就在中庭健康棒球场对面, sells every kind of candy imaginable, as well as puzzles to challenge all skill levels. 抓几个,带回家参加未来的“Yes Weekend”.

Evening: Buy Me Some Peanuts and Cracker Jack

What’s better than a Friday evening at the ballpark? See a Kannapolis Cannon Ballers game at Atrium Health Ballpark, 这个国家最美丽的小联盟体育场之一(棒球文摘将其命名为 Best Ballpark in Low-A Minor League Baseball in 2021). If the little kids (or big kids, even) get a little restless during the game, the ballpark has a walking track and a 20,2000平方英尺的儿童区,在两局之间放松一下.


Morning: Sweets for Breakfast

Freshly baked cinnamon rolls! Coffee cake! And (why not?) brownies and cupcakes! 有时候,你只需要以甜点开始新的一天. Cabarrus County offers tons of places to indulge in sweet treats any time of day. Start the morning at OMG Donuts 还有松软的甜点,比如苹果馅饼和随叫随到的果冻甜甜圈.

Afternoon: Hit the Track

带孩子们绕着这个地区最著名的跑道跑一圈 Charlotte Motor Speedway. You can take a Fast Pass Tour in your own car that guides you around the speedway, and your kids get to see the NASCAR garages, media center and more. 最后,你和你的团队可以在优胜者中心拍照. Availability is limited, so be sure to check dates and reserve your tour early.

Want to get behind the wheel? 看看像纳斯卡赛车体验的活动 opportunities to drive or ride 开着真正的赛车,或者开着他们的全电动卡丁车在室内以K1速度比赛.

Evening: Mini Vacay, Major Fun

Check in to Great Wolf Lodge for the ultimate kid-friendly overnight vacation. 孩子们可以在84度的室内水上乐园和四层的水堡树屋中嬉戏. 他们可以用自己的特殊魔杖把小屋变成一个神奇的地方. 然后全家人可以在适合幼儿到成人的迷你保龄球馆打保龄球. By the time the kids settle into the guestroom, 他们将度过一周的冒险之旅,并将睡上一晚.


Morning: Start the Day at the Lodge

流连在大狼小屋充分利用其便利设施. Anyone up for a game of mini golf and then the arcade? 此外,可以肯定的是,孩子们会想要更多的时间在水滑梯上(你也可能会)。. If you want to leave with a memento of your stay, 前往现场的Build-A-Bear Workshop,创造一个新的毛茸茸的伙伴.

Afternoon: Go Under the Sea

Take a 5-minute car ride from Great Wolf Lodge to SEA LIFE Aquarium. 全家人都可以近距离观赏鲨鱼、海龟、鳐鱼和热带鱼. 该水族馆拥有北卡罗莱纳州唯一的180度水下海底隧道, 哪家能提供通常需要潜水装备才能看到的水下景观.

SEA LIFE Aquarium is located at Concord Mills, 北卡罗莱纳州最大的奥特莱斯和价值零售购物中心! 在回家之前,花点时间从200多家商店探索一切,戴夫 & Buster’s, the Speedpark and more.

Looking for More Fun?

Get the scoop on even more 卡巴鲁斯县的家庭友好娱乐活动. We’ve got something for all kids — from sports fans, 动物爱好者、游戏玩家、小孩子(以及有时仍觉得自己像孩子的成年人).

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